Cancel Save.Our goal is to provide high-quality video, TV streams, music, software, documents or any other shared files for free! Index of moneyheist Sign In Don't have an account? Start a Wiki. Sources are given for what Id claims is the language, but this is sometimes open to criticism. The poor quality of sound in the game makes it difficult to ascertain what is being said. If there are any guards left, depending on the amount killed, you should have enough ammo to take out the rest. When they do, continuously stab them with your knife until they die.

If you have no ammo and are caught with a group of guards in a room or you have very low ammostand very close to the corner edge of the door and wait for them to come through the door. When mixed in with other enemies, Guards should be of low priority, and they'll usually get caught in the crossfire anyway. Its rate of fire is quick enough to shred through guards without wasting ammo. A group of guards should be taken out with the machine gun. Guards feel painso each single attack will cancel any shots the Guard was preparing to make, and give you time to continue your assault. Alone, guards are easy to kill, necessitating only pistol shots or, to save ammunition, stabs with the knife. In the Spear of Destiny mission packsguards wear green uniform instead of their original, and have new phrases. Most maps feature both large groups of Guards, as well as solitary ones who often hide in difficult-to-notice corners. They have low HP and can easily be killed with a pistol or knifedropping a clip with 4 bullets.

Their only attack is a Pistoland they must freeze and aim for a moment before they can fire. See Soldier disambiguation for other uses. īecause of an error in the code, Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny could sometimes become a witness to a funny bug: if the number of objects (most often they were enemy corpses) in the frame became too large, then some of them stopped being queued for rendering, as a result what living enemies became invisible (but no less dangerous!), and the corpses on the floor remained the same, although the role they play is purely decorative.Soldier has other meanings. This time our task is to capture the Nazi Spear of Destiny (Spear of Destiny itself) in the castle, which will be hindered by 5 new bosses, a couple of “new” fascists / creatures with modified graphics and, of course, endless labyrinths. In general, a good long LONG continuation for 21 levels without a choice of episodes on the subject of fascists + occultism. The same dungeons, the same Nazis with the addition of new monsters and changes in the graphics and sounds of the old Spear of Destiny is a continuation of Wolfenstein 3D, legendary 3D action from id Software, also known as the progenitor of the 3D action genre.